Tradepumps Blog

water pump news, tips and advice

  1. How to check your central heating is ready for winter

    How to check your central heating is ready for winter
    There's been a bit of a debate at Dutypoint HQ over the past week...when is it acceptable to turn your central heating on for the first time? Personally, I think anything earlier than November is unacceptable, but some of my colleagues are already toasting away at home! Of course, this is a personal decision, but whatever you decide, I'm sure...
  2. What happens if your pumps fail...

    What happens if your pumps fail...
    With financial uncertainty becoming more commonplace, hospitals and facilities managers alike are coming under ever increasing pressure to reduce preventative maintenance programs to the bare minimum. But what happens when important building infrastructure isn't maintained and pumps fail? Well, when a circulator pump failed at a large midlands hospital earlier this month, administrative staff were left fearing that their lifesaving MRI...
  3. Video Review: Dab Nova 300

    Video Review: Dab Nova 300
    Chris from reviews the Dab Nova 300 automatic domestic drainage pump. Video Transcript Hello, I’m Chris from, the helpful online pump specialist. This review covers the Dab NOVA 200 and NOVA 300 submersible pumps. We have sold thousands of these over the years. They are very reliable and dependable pumps, made from technopolymer and stainless steel, with a 220W...
  4. Domestic Pressure Boosting

    Domestic Pressure Boosting
    Water companies in the UK are constantly under pressure from authorities to reduce their leakage figures. One of the key ways of doing this, and a cheaper alternative to actually fixing leaks, is to reduce the supply pressure in the system. It’s simple - if there’s less pressure, there is less leakage. But what about our water pressure at home...

Items 11 to 15 of 18 total