Industry News

  1. What is a Wastewater Air Release Valve

    What is a Wastewater Air Release Valve
    Introduction:In the intricate network of wastewater management systems, every component plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations. Among these, wastewater air release valves stand out as unsung heroes, often overlooked but indispensable. These valves serve a vital function in maintaining the efficiency and functionality of wastewater systems, preventing damage, and ensuring optimal performance.'s delve into the reasons why...
  2. What happens if your pumps fail...

    What happens if your pumps fail...
    With financial uncertainty becoming more commonplace, hospitals and facilities managers alike are coming under ever increasing pressure to reduce preventative maintenance programs to the bare minimum. But what happens when important building infrastructure isn't maintained and pumps fail? Well, when a circulator pump failed at a large midlands hospital earlier this month, administrative staff were left fearing that their lifesaving MRI...

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